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CBA Calls for Consultation and Debate on Changes to Judicial Appointment Process
A CBA letter to federal Justice Minister Vic Toews says Canada's judicial appointments process must be independent, impartial and objective. The CBA is calling for a period of consultation and debate on changes announced by the Minister.
News Release >
Letter to federal Justice Minister Vic Toews (.pdf) >
CBA Condemns Proposed Changes to Judicial Appointment Process
"The credibility of the entire judicial appointment process is at risk from proposed changes to the composition and operation of judicial advisory committees," CBA President J. Parker MacCarthy, Q.C., of Duncan, B.C. said today, voicing the CBA's extremely serious concerns with the changes proposed by Justice Minister Vic Toews.
News Release >
New on CBA PracticeLink – How to Benchmark Your Law Firm’s Financial Performance
benchmarkingFinancial benchmarks can help uncover operating deficiencies in a law firm and provide fact-based information to gain consensus among your colleagues. Most importantly, benchmarking enables you to measure progress toward achieving the firm's goals and strategies.
Plus, don't forget to check out our new podcasts, interactive features and newsfeeds.
Article >
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Reinstate Court Challenges Program and Law Commission, Says CBA
The CBA is calling on the government to reinstate the Court Challenges Program and the Law Commission of Canada, and provide long-term financial stability for both programs through increased funding.
News Release >
Website: CBA Stands Up for Court Challenges Program >
This Month in National: Attack of the Robo-Lawyers!
National MagazineIt sounds like a nightmarish science-fiction plotline: humans usurped by wickedly sophisticated machines that can accomplish tasks more quickly, cheaply and effectively. But ongoing developments in artificial intelligence bring the dawn of virtual lawyers closer all the time. How can your firm respond to — and profit from — this emerging matrix?
National online >
Amend Bill C-17 to ensure impartial and independent judiciary, says CBA
The CBA is calling for amendments to Bill C-17 (amendments to the Judges Act) to reflect the recommendations of the 2003 Judicial Compensation and Benefits Commission in order to protect the independence and impartiality of Canada's judges.
News Release >
Submission to the Commons Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights (.pdf) >

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Court Challenges Program 

Sign the petition to reinstate the Court Challenges Program.

Canadian Bar Review 

Special Issue on Ethics: Vol. 84, No. 3 is now online!

Online CLE 

November 29: Solicitor-Client Privilege.

National Student issue 

Read National's 2006 Special Edition for Canada's 10,000 law students.

International Development Program 

Learn about the CBA International Development Program on its new website.

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